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Why you should rethink your data archiving strategy

Learn about the multiple benefits of moving your inactive data to secure digital archives.
man watching smartphone

This whitepaper takes a closer look at all the benefits of digital archiving, with a focus on the secondary effects that are often overlooked. Given the importance of data in the modern business world, it is critical to implement a strategy that enables you to extract its full potential. This can be difficult if you still store your business data on paper, as it takes up valuable space and slows down every workflow that it’s involved in. Fortunately, there are technological solutions like Content Services that can take paper out of the equation to speed up data-related processes.

Inactive data poses a particular challenge because it lies idle for long periods of time. As a result, some businesses don’t put enough time and effort into developing a real strategy for managing it. Meanwhile, others are reluctant to digitise their files due to the fear that there might be hidden costs and no gains. However, converting this information into paperless documents is actually one of the best ways to reduce unnecessary spending. What’s more, improvements in data management are usually accompanied by efficiency gains in other areas.

Digital archiving provides a cost-effective solution to data storage that simultaneously eliminates several of the negative effects caused by improper information management. The benefits are numerous, but businesses have been slow to warm to the idea because the advantages are not always obvious. This whitepaper will therefore highlight the full range of benefits, shining a light on the effects that are often unseen but actually contribute to achieving the goals most companies identify as priorities.

This whitepaper is the final instalment in a trilogy that takes a closer look at the findings of our recent publication, Business Digitalisation in Europe Outlook 2019. This study was conducted by Kyocera Document Solutions Europe in order to gauge the progress that European companies are making in their digital transformations, with figures and charts to sum up the similarities and differences across the continent.

In line with our philosophy, our aim is to share our expertise with our partners and customers, so that we can grow and improve together. The key insights gained through our study are therefore useful to help us identify what businesses are prioritising, and what they might be concerned about. We can then develop customised information management strategies that incorporate the best combination of technology and software solutions to add value in each specific environment.

Download our study to learn more

Business Digitalisation in Europe Outlook 2019 provides insight into the challenges and opportunities facing organisations as part of the era of digital transformation.

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Nämä evästeet sijoitetaan vain, jos annat suostumuksen. Käytämme markkinointievästeitä seurataksemme kuinka napsautat ja vierailet verkkosivuillamme näyttääksemme sinulle sisältöä kiinnostuksesi perusteella ja näyttääksemme sinulle henkilökohtaisia mainoksia.