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Voit pyytää uutta tiliä lähettämällä tietosi Kyoceralle. Hyväksymisen yhteydessä lähetämme sinulle väliaikaisen salasanan sähköpostitse.
Tällä hetkellä rekisteröityä voi vain Kyocera Document Solutions -kumppanit ja työntekijät. Huomaa, että paikallinen vanha ekstranet on edelleen käytettävissä alla olevan painikkeen kautta.
Business leaders are realising that sustainability has to be at the heart of future business processes, and document management solutions are no exception. With pressure to go paperless and reduce carbon footprints, companies are searching for green solutions to meet their print and information management needs.
Kyocera provides dedicated support to customers that want to reduce paper and plastic waste and digitise for a greener future. Our inkjet portfolio helps offices and print service providers consume less energy, while enjoying high-speed printing with impeccable quality.
“A green edge: green skills for the future” is an Economist Impact report, sponsored by Kyocera Document Solutions, that assessed the green-skills ecosystem in six global cities. The findings reflect a survey of 300 executives from Berlin, London, New York, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo.
Green skills are the knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes of executives to support sustainable and resource-efficient business processes. As companies focus on reducing their carbon footprint, green skills are expected to become a bigger priority.
In fact, 95.7% of survey respondents expect that green skills will be considered the most important business skills in the next five years. This worldwide shift toward sustainability as a top priority in business signals a significant change in how the corporate world will make decisions in the coming years.
A comprehensive look at green skills in 6 cities by Economist Impact, sponsored by Kyocera.
The Economist Impact report highlighted how business leaders and the cities they live in are necessary drivers of corporate sustainability. All six cities in the study are green-skills leaders in different aspects, with 68% of survey respondents stating that their cities provide opportunities for green-skills development.
These global cities and others have rolled out various eco-friendly initiatives in recent years, such as the construction of greener spaces, more efficient transport systems, and clean energy infrastructures. But there is still a long way to go before we meet global goals of carbon neutrality.
Explore the essential findings of the Economist Impact study on green skills in 6 cities.
Ahead of its time, Kyocera has always been concerned with environmental innovation. The ECOSYS concept was born in 1992, informing sustainable product design for printers and MFPs.
Since then, Kyocera’s eco-friendly product packaging for colour A4 printers won the 2024 WorldStar Award at the WorldStar Global Packaging Awards, and Kyocera was named a “Major Player” in the “IDC Market Scape Worldwide Sustainability Programs and Services Hardcopy 2023 Vendor Assessment”.
We will continue to strive for excellence in terms of sustainability and customer experience to shape a future of which we can be proud.