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Capture solutions lead digital transformation

The beginning of a path towards greater efficiency and growth kicks off with capture.
man leaning over a desk taking a picture of his work using a smartphone

As businesses begin to lay out their plans for a digital transformation plan, the first step is often to invest in a capture solution. Taking such a move into the world of technology can be daunting, particularly when it is the first step in the process, but the return on investment on such an affordable tool as a capture solution ensures that the decision makes perfect sense for businesses of any size.

A digital transformation plan brings a firm into the modern business environment by capitalising on the latest and greatest of technology to make their operations run more smoothly and with greater efficiency. By following these steps, businesses can evolve digitally and grow alongside the introduction of more technologies which help them to reach all new levels and achieve success which, without technology, may seem unthinkable.

Capture is usually considered as one of the first steps in such a process. That is because it represents the first step when information is received in a business, but also one of the most labour intensive and costly. With capture solutions scanning all incoming information and automatically storing it into the company’s system, it opens the door to the next developments of a digital transformation plan which can often prove to be more complicated and more expensive.

woman using a smartphone

Currently, many companies have dedicated staff for data inputting. The processing of data can be a long and drawn out task involving going through mail, whether on paper or digital, and putting the relevant information into a system manually before filing the document physically. Capture solutions will do all of that work automatically (with the exception of storing the physical document).

One of the benefits of doing so is that the information taken from documents and stored is always accurate. With pinpoint precision, a capture solution takes the data and automatically converts the key facts or figures into computer friendly data, storing it into integrated business management systems. Just in case, most options include a scanned copy of the original information so that staff can manually check any data which they are concerned may be erroneous. 

Another is that the costs of doing so are significantly reduced. Not only can a capture solution perform the task far more quickly than staff, enabling more information to be processed, but it costs less to do so. With the implementation of such a tool ans only a licence fee required for the software and the initial investment cost, there is no need for the same number of staff, who can instead be deployed elsewhere in the business to put their skills to use on more complex tasks. As such, it is clear to see how, over time, a return on investment is almost guaranteed.

Capture capitalises on everyday efficiencies

Learn all about why a capture tool is essential to begin a digital transformation plan and how it can be a springboard to further success, offering a significant return on investment.

  • close up of hand texting on a smartphone

    Save resources which matter most: time and money

    Capture tools ensure that data is captured far more quickly and efficiently, allowing those professionals to dedicate their time to less mundane tasks and focus upon more challenging duties. As such, the solution makes companies run in a more efficient way which saves companies time and money.

    Save resources which matter most: time and money
    Save resources which matter most: time and money

    Data processing and documentation filing can be a lengthy and costly process.

  • businesswoman checking her smartphone

    Assure the accuracy of information

    A capture solution can automatically handle documents in any quantity without being affected by the workload, taking information from the file clearly and converting it into the relevant file type for a digital content management solution with pinpoint accuracy.

    Assure the accuracy of information
    Assure the accuracy of information

    Relying on the human eye when processing information guarantees only one thing: human error.

  • close up of a document being scanned

    Integrate into existing systems

    Companies which already boast existing relevant systems can rely upon a capture solution to provide them with the information that they need most. Integrating these systems means training costs and difficult transition periods can be avoided.

    Integrate into existing systems
    Integrate into existing systems

    Link up with existing content management systems to boost integration.

businessman checking his phone

Capture is just one way to streamline processes

As the modern business environment grows more and more competitive, optimisation solutions can give a company the step ahead.

Evästeet ja yksityisyytesi

Käytämme välttämättömiä evästeitä varmistaaksemme verkkosivustomme asianmukaisen toiminnan. Tilastoevästeet auttavat meitä ymmärtämään paremmin, miten verkkosivustoamme käytetään, ja markkinointievästeiden avulla voimme räätälöidä sisältöä paremmin verkkosivustomme vierailijoille. Voit valita evästeasetukset käyttämällä alla olevaa "Asetukset"-painiketta tai valitsemalla "Hyväksy kaikki evästeet" jatkaaksesi kaikkien evästeiden käyttöä. Valitsemalla "Hyväksy kaikki evästeet" hyväksyt näiden evästeiden tallentamisen laitteellesi. Voit kieltäytyä näistä evästeistä valitsemalla "Hyväksy vain välttämättömät evästeet". Tässä tapauksessa annat meille luvan sijoittaa vain ne evästeet, jotka ovat välttämättömiä verkkosivustomme oikeaan näyttämiseen laitteellesi.


Pakolliset kenttät

Käytämme evästeitä varmistaaksemme, että verkkosivustomme toimivat oikein, tai tarjotaksemme palvelun pyynnöstäsi (esimerkiksi evästeasetuksien hallintaan). Nämä evästeet ovat aina aktiivisia, paitsi jos asetat selaimesi estämään ne, mikä saattaa estää joitain verkkosivuston osia toimimasta odotetusti.

Pakolliset kenttät

Nämä evästeet antavat meille mahdollisuuden mitata ja parantaa verkkosivustomme suorituskykyä.

Pakolliset kenttät

Nämä evästeet sijoitetaan vain, jos annat suostumuksen. Käytämme markkinointievästeitä seurataksemme kuinka napsautat ja vierailet verkkosivuillamme näyttääksemme sinulle sisältöä kiinnostuksesi perusteella ja näyttääksemme sinulle henkilökohtaisia mainoksia.