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Voit pyytää uutta tiliä lähettämällä tietosi Kyoceralle. Hyväksymisen yhteydessä lähetämme sinulle väliaikaisen salasanan sähköpostitse.
Tällä hetkellä rekisteröityä voi vain Kyocera Document Solutions -kumppanit ja työntekijät. Huomaa, että paikallinen vanha ekstranet on edelleen käytettävissä alla olevan painikkeen kautta.
The internet era has brought with it more data and information than ever and it is one of the biggest challenges that companies face. Whilst customers can submit information online and many tasks can be done digitally, a surprising number of organisations are lagging behind in digitising their processes and rely on folders, filing cabinets and reams of paper.
As part of the transition, firms are considering digital transformation plans which introduce tools like Enterprise Content Management, Document Management Systems and Intelligence Information Management in order to process the sheer weight of the wealth of information coming into and leaving their business on a daily basis. Such tools are a key element of a digital transformation plan which brings a company up to scratch with 21st century resources.
This kind of planning is essential for businesses as they look to streamline their processes and improve efficiency across the firm. By implementing solutions like business content management tools, organisations have much to gain and must consider such investments as part of the plan, knowing that they will see a clear return on investment.
One of the major benefits of such a tool is that employee productivity can be increased. No longer will employees be left waiting around for documents to find their way through layers of hierarchy to land at their desk, with everything automatically and immediately dispatched via transparent and clearly defined workflows. From there, every access to a document can be tracked and noted to make auditing processes even easier too. With so many ways of streamlining processes, it’s easy to see how the process can make employees and companies more productive.
Digital solutions also help to avoid risks. By keeping everything organised in a digital system, the chances of losing information are reduced. With secure protected back-up copies stored in the system, it becomes easy to avoid threats from hackers or employee errors. When all of the information stored in businesses is highly sensitive or personal to employees or customers, losing such information is a risk that no firm can afford to take.
With the benefits that are on offer from Content Management, all businesses should contemplate what they could gain from an effective business content management solution. Providing return on investment and laying the basis for further success and growth with scalability a fundamental characteristic, any firm putting off the decision to implement such a system should consider taking the first step to improving the productivity of their company.
As the modern business environment grows more and more competitive, optimisation solutions can give a company the step ahead.