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Voit pyytää uutta tiliä lähettämällä tietosi Kyoceralle. Hyväksymisen yhteydessä lähetämme sinulle väliaikaisen salasanan sähköpostitse.
Tällä hetkellä rekisteröityä voi vain Kyocera Document Solutions -kumppanit ja työntekijät. Huomaa, että paikallinen vanha ekstranet on edelleen käytettävissä alla olevan painikkeen kautta.
The growing workload in Legal departments within European organisations has led to the need to provide companies with efficient solutions to manage the current data explosion. As part of this change in how organisations work, Kyocera Document Solutions Europe, one of the world's leading document solutions companies, has identified that everything companies create is content. Companies are content. Knowing how to manage that content is essential to efficient operations.
Content management is at the heart of day to day life in companies of all sizes. However, not all companies have understood the benefits of digitalising and automating these work processes. In the quest for business success, Legal departments identified the amount of time it takes to process large amounts of paper as their biggest challenge.
Other pains that have been identified that affect efficiency are: different copies and versions across servers and PCs, lack of space for storing documents and different or incompatible documents formats.
For these departments, Kyocera also wanted to analyse their priorities: notifications when a contract needs to be renewed or expire is number one, followed by the wish to be compliant with GDPR and ensuring changes to contracts are verified and auditable with user tracking.
Fastened reviewing contract process between different parties as well as decreasing contract cancellation rates to improve customer retention are also among their top concerns, Kyocera’s Business Digitalisation in Europe Outlook 2019 revealed.
According to Michael Powell, Expert Software Product Management at Kyocera Document Solutions Europe, these conclusions demonstrate that "achieving business success necessarily entails multiplying its efficiency".
"Companies must understand that, whatever their core business is, everything is based on information and on a continuous flow of data. Making information flow more efficiently is like providing the gears that will drive an entire business from within".
About Kyocera Document Solutions Europe
Kyocera Document Solutions Europe is a group company of Kyocera Document Solutions Inc., a global leading provider of total document solutions based in Osaka, Japan. The company’s portfolio includes reliable and eco-friendly MFPs and printers, as well as business applications and consultative services which enable customers to optimise and manage their document workflow, reaching new heights of efficiency. With professional expertise and a culture of empathetic partnership, the objective of the company is to help organisations put knowledge to work to drive change.
Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. is a core company of Kyocera Corporation, a leading supplier of semiconductor packages, industrial and automotive components, electronic devices, solar power generating systems and mobile phones. During the year ended March 31, 2019, Kyocera Corporation’s consolidated sales revenue totalled 1.62 trillion yen (approx. US$14.6 billion). Kyocera appears on the “Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators 2018-19” list by Clarivate Analytics and is ranked #655 on Forbes magazine’s 2019 “Global 2000” list of the world’s largest publicly traded companies.