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Kyocera finds that one in three European businesses still struggle with document storage despite digital alternatives

Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands – 24 July 2019: As information drives our modern business environment, the value of data has never been higher for organisations.Yet, many are only slowly getting to grips with how they store this information. One in three businesses recognise they lack document storage space, despite the fact that technology such as Content Services provides a simple solution.

Kyocera Document Solutions Europe, one of the world’s leading document solutions companies, has taken a closer look at the issue in a white paper on ‘How Lack of Document Storage Space Impacts Enterprises’. It presents an extension on the organisation’s recent study into the state of digital transformation, titled ‘Business Digitalisation in Europe Outlook 2019’.

“From our white paper, it’s evident that companies across Europe are yet to open their eyes to the opportunities that are available to them when it comes to how we store our documentation,” explains Michael Powell, Software Product Marketing Expert at Kyocera Document Solutions Europe.

“With years of paper documents piled up in our workplaces, organisations can discover a whole new way of working by using technology to organise their information. By simply digitising a document which doesn’t need to be retained, crucial information can be kept without adding to the costs and complications associated with paper storage, whilst also making it far easier to search or track down the information at a later date.”

In the white paper, Kyocera considers the problems that businesses have identified in handling documentation in their offices. Many organisations report that they are running out of storage space whilst they are receiving an increasing number of documents. The situation forces companies into a difficult situation: take documents offsite for external storage or go digital.

A substantial 52% of companies demand easy access to their documentation, strengthening the offer of digital storage options, but many enterprises have yet to make the transition. In an increasingly mobile world, where workers spend time out of the office, in meetings, or working from home, access to digital documentation is essential.

This, combined with the issue of information security, identified as a priority by 56% of companies, shows why the future of document storage lies in digital content management tools such as Enterprise Content Management or Content Services.

About Kyocera Document Solutions Europe

Kyocera Document Solutions Europe is a group company of Kyocera Document Solutions Inc., a global leading provider of total document solutions based in Osaka, Japan. The company’s portfolio includes reliable and eco-friendly MFPs and printers, as well as business applications and consultative services which enable customers to optimise and manage their document workflow, reaching new heights of efficiency. With professional expertise and a culture of empathetic partnership, the objective of the company is to help organisations put knowledge to work to drive change.

Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. is a core company of Kyocera Corporation, a leading supplier of semiconductor packages, industrial and automotive components, electronic devices, solar power generating systems and mobile phones. During the year ended March 31, 2019, Kyocera Corporation’s consolidated sales revenue totalled 1.62 trillion yen (approx. US$14.6 billion). Kyocera appears on the “Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators 2018-19” list by Clarivate Analytics and is ranked #655 on Forbes magazine’s 2019 “Global 2000” list of the world’s largest publicly traded companies.

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